Running Book Reviews with Alan and Liz
All types of running related books are reviewed by two non-elite track, road and trail runners. Observation and description of running books intended to inform, help and inspire anyone involved or related to running at any level. Whenever possible we chat with the author about the book, but if not then we try to do it justice.
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Running Book Reviews with Alan and Liz
Depression Hates A Moving Target, by Nita Sweeney
Depression Hates A Moving Target is about author Nita Sweeney’s experience with crippling anxiety and depression and how she got into running despite often not being able to get out of bed before taking up the sport. Nita was inspired by some posts from her Facebook friend who got into “jogging” by following a run-walk plan, and one day took the kitchen timer and her dog Morgan out to try it out for herself. Nita’s mind was not her only challenge to overcome, she also had an ankle that would swell when she ran too much which made her doubt that she was built for running. By dedicating a lot of time and energy to finding solutions that helped her keep running, she was able to slowly increase mileage over time enabling her to train for her first half-marathon, and later her first marathon. Running changed Nita’s life in many ways aside from making her physically fit; it started by helping her get out of bed on the days she ran, and with time helped her deal with anxiety and depression and gave her energy to start writing again.
Nita Sweeney has a law degree, had been writing for most of her life, and officially authored 3 books; she wrote many more books, but most of them have not yet been published. She started running with her dog in 2010 while also dealing with crippling depression that kept her in bed most hours of most days. Nita has since run many training miles, one ultramarathon, 3 marathons, 29 half-marathons, and over 100 shorter races.
If you would like to follow Nita, she has a website where you can sign up for her email newsletter and find links to all her social media channels: https://nitasweeney.com
If you are interested in getting a copy of Depression Hates A Moving Target, it is available on Nita's website or on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Depression-Hates-Moving-Target-Running/dp/1642500135/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1B3WQNFFX32K&keywords=depression+hates+a+moving+target&qid=1663438667&sprefix=depression+hates%2Caps%2C76&sr=8-1
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