Running Book Reviews with Alan and Liz
All types of running related books are reviewed by two non-elite track, road and trail runners. Observation and description of running books intended to inform, help and inspire anyone involved or related to running at any level. Whenever possible we chat with the author about the book, but if not then we try to do it justice.
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Running Book Reviews with Alan and Liz
There Is No Finish, by Stephen Parker
In this episode, we have the pleasure of chatting with author Stephen Parker about his new book There Is No Finish; The Backyard Ultra Story. This book is all about the backyard ultra; how it started, who started it, and how it’s grown over the years (especially since the pandemic). There are 8 chapters. The book starts by introducing key characters like race organizer, Lazarus Lake, and his late dog, Big, and ends with the authors personal experience running and crewing backyards. In between there are many epic race stories which demonstrate the spirit of this unique event.
Stephen Parker has been running the streets and trails of Rochedale South, Australia, for over forty years. He adores his wife Ruth and four incredible daughters and is the Associate Academic Dean for the Australian College of Ministries. Since 1987 he has raced at least a half marathon every year, and since 2009 has been enjoying adventure races, rogaines, trail ultras and now Backyard Ultras. In 2016 he helped begin, and still is an Event Director of, Underwood Park parkrun.
You can find this book at Indogo stores (if you’re here in Canada), or on Amazon. You can also find it on the authors wbsite: https://runningforever.au
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